Prime numbers between 1 to 100 in shell script

Prime numbers between 1 to 100 in shell script

Prime numbers between 1 to 100 in shell script

In this article, I am going to guide you how to write a program to print Prime numbers between 1 to 100 in shell script 

The code given is very simple to understand and easy to implement. You can copy the code from the below code and save in a file name with extension ".sh". Run the code to get the result.

Write a program to print Prime numbers between 1 to 100 in shell script

Findprime ()


for((i=2; i<=num/2; i++))
  if [ $((num%i)) -eq 0 ]
    return 10
echo "$num"

for((x=2; x<=100; x++))
Findprime $x

Prime numbers between 1 to 100 in shell script

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Algorithm to print Prime numbers between 1 to 100 in shell script

Step1: create a function "Findprime()"

Step 2: Loop from 2 to half of 'n' where 'n' is the variable.

Step 3: if number is divisible then return from the function
print the number 

Step 4: Loop from 1 to 100  where x is a variable.

Step 5: with in the loop call the function "findprime"

Step 6: Exit.

I hope this article will help you to understand and write the shell script program. You can also join our social media platform for more interesting articles.

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